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The Leader's Tech Blog

The One Leader's Tech Blog

Greetings, Netizens. You have arrived at The One Leader's blog. Take your god damn shoes off inside.

I review all things tech, mostly in the Virtual Dream sphere. I have been into computers since before you were probably alive, and I probably don't give a shit what your opinion is on them.

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Virtual Dream Reviews

Review: Porn Computer

As we all likely know by now Virtual Dream attracts only the "brightest" minds, which is shown no better than by the site's newest inane addition, Porn Computer. This has got to be the stupidest shit I've seen yet on this website, and I've sifted through all the crap there is on here. This guy is no inventor. Just another moron on the grift. Hopefully VD takes this down before whatever brain worm this guy has spreads.

0 out of 5

How do we let this shit happen?

Review: MalPals - Tubular Triangle

I've never personally been a fan of MalPals. I had always seen them as children's cartoon characters. That was until they released their MalPals browser companions recently. Surfing around while your pal quips and comments really brings a new edge to the experience. I have experienced no hiccups, and no impact to load times. Plus the demo is totally free! What's not to love? Check it out!

5 out of 5

Review sponsored by MalPals.

Review: Malware Cleaner

I'll preface with this: Joey and I do not get along. That said, neither do I get along with all the scum who riddle this site with malware. Call it a lesser of two evils, since Malware Cleaner does, surprisingly, actually work as it says it does. Something about broken clocks being right.

4 out of 5

Docked a point because this is my website.

Technology Reviews

HyperSystem Globutron

Horrible piece of computing technology. Like all ConnectTons, heats up insanely high and falters easily. Will be recommending to my enemies and anyone looking to burn down a house.

1 out of 5

Purchase and put fire rescue on speed dial.

ClimaxTech Netizen

Decent little computer with some pretty average specs. Would recommend to anyone on an especially tight budget that doesn't need a real machine with proper computing power.

3 out of 5

Better than nothing.

Email Shame Wall

Those who send me stupid shit get put on the shame wall. My email address is not currently public.